Obsidian Forest
by Alps Aris Sarsis

Okay.. Her actions were just sick and cruel and sadistic! She was hurting me for the fun of it! Or for some sick and twisted ritual of blood that can only end in my death! So I just.. Slugged her.. Right in the gut, making the vixen double over. That would teach her to use me as a toy! 

I got up, and started running, blood all over my chest from her abuses. She coughed and sputtered behind me. I got her good! I was running and running, fast as I could, and finally, up ahead, I saw it. Light. A lot of it. The forest was ending! I was going to make it after all. My feet hammered the ground faster. I heard the footfalls of the very pissed off vixen behind me. If I could get out in the open, I was sure I could outrun her. I had plenty of stamina left! 

Just before I reached the edge, looking out of the trees, and into the plains, I felt the impact against the back of my neck, and then, with a shark tug, and a pain that went through my whole body, everything went black. I had been ensnared around the neck by the whip, and my neck.. Instantly broken. I saw the plains though. They were so close. I wonder if they even would have led me home…




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